2020 - Present

Courage & Sacrifice works with partner organization Leashes of Valor to purchase and train service dogs for veterans. Miss Phoenix, sponsored during Fall 2021, has been in training for nearly a year now. She is the second service dog Courage & Sacrifice has sponsored with this organization.

Training service dogs is a laborious process that takes nearly a year to complete. Phoenix will be placed with a veteran soon, but for now, take a look at her training journey! She is one well-travelled pup…

Summer 2022

Now that Phoenix is one of the older dogs in training, she has been mentoring some of the younger and upcoming service dogs. There are currently 30 dogs in the Leashes of Valor foster program.

Last month, Phoenix got to meet the new Governor of Virginia, Glenn Younkin, and his Cabinet. Phoenix attended summer school with her foster family, bowling, the Marine Corp Museum and Kings Dominion amusement park in July 2022. She is learning to navigate crowds, loud noises and other triggers for our Veterans with PTSD.

All of this rigorous training and support was made possible with the support of Courage & Sacrifice!

Spring 2022

Phoenix is currently being fostered by an elementary school teacher. She did a remarkable job overall in school this past year! She participated  in the statewide Tornado Drill in the hallway with the 5th grade classes and rocked the "froggy" position. She also became a star student at "leave it" in the cafeteria, even though that food on the floor was soooo tempting :)


Wreaths Across America


Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans (EBV)